So I guess my mission has changed a bit since I took a position at The University of Texas at Dallas.
I started there on December 3rd and am now employed full time doing what I love to do – Web Design!
I’m working in a team environment with a team leader and 5 other coders in the Web Services Department. There are various skill levels represented and each member has their little niche that they excel in.
I (don’t laugh) have a Dell laptop that I use in tandem with my Apple Powerbook G4 paired with (2) 19″ Dell monitors. Each machine has a 19″ to extend the desktop, so it’s a sweet setup.
I have dived in and am involved already in 2 major projects as well as having just worked on the Fall 2008 Graduation this past weekend.
The school is on break until Jan. 5th, so I don’t go back until then. While I am on break I have started a major re-design job for the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation’s website.
I will continue to help my freelance clients finish up the sites I was working on. Then I will take on freelance jobs as I have time available, with the ok of the University.
The opportunity came from a job ad I answered on Craigslist while I was in San Antonio working from the hotel. The benefits are really good and the people I am working with are really nice.